August 2013

  • Aug


    By Brent

    Infrastructure Updates and Expansions: Solid State Drives

    Brent's picture

    Long-time Cloud Web customers and industry veterans know and appreciate that Cloud hosting, and the legacy hosting industry that preceded it, is always changing at break-neck speed. It is one of the constants of this industry that forever makes it interesting to work in and pioneer new technologies and services. Hardware that once when purchased was bleeding edge, quickly becomes today's dinosaur as the pace of innovation races along.

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    Posted In: Cloud Technology


    "I have had 4 business websites running with Cloud Web at different times & have only wonderful praise for their excellent service & commitment to their customers. I am confident that my sites are up & running 24/7 & never have to worry about downtime. When I have a question, any question, they are more than happy to answer quickly & in languages that I can understand. I can & do highly recommend this company to all my friends."


    — Cheryl Sturm,

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